EBRAINS Scientific Conference

In the framework of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union and the 20th anniversary of ESFRI, the French node of EBRAINS and the Human Brain Project organize


a presentation of the EBRAINS research infrastructure, on Thursday March 24 at NeuroSpin neuroscience and neuroimaging research centre, Paris Saclay.


This seminar aims to bring together the French community of researchers in the fields of computational neuroscience, neuroscience, medical research on the brain, and neuro-functional exploration technologies, around themes of general interest to the communities.


It will be an onsite seminar and it will start with a walking lunch. Virtual participation could be proposed depending on the pandemic evolution.


Please find the program below. Registration is free but mandatory.


12h15 – 13h15

Welcome – stand up lunch






André Syrota, Bureau des directeurs d’EBRAINS

Philippe Vernier, Directeur, Institut des Sciences du Vivant Frédéric Joliot, Directeur d’EBRAINS-France, Paris Saclay





Neurosciences cognitives

Stanislas Dehaene, Professor at College de France - Director of NeuroSpin centre, Paris-Saclay (to be confirmed)



Towards digital twin technologies in brain sciences

Viktor Jirsa, Director of Neuroscience Institute, Marseille



When structure and function meet : the HBP multilevel human brain atlas

Katrin Amunts,  Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Forschungszentrum Jülich





Connectome – Agrégation de données médicales

Cyril Poupon, Deputy head, UMB BAOBAB, Paris Saclay

Jean-François Mangin, Director, UMR BAOBAB, Paris Saclay





Theoritical aspects

Jennifer Goldman  / Alain Destexhe, NeuroPSI, Paris-Saclay




Pawel Swieboda, EBRAINS CEO


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